Health struggles can shake up every part of life — including finances. In this edition of Ruth’s Two Cents, Ruth shares her practical advice for dealing with financial uncertainty amid a medical crisis.
Millennial money guru Emma is back to answer more of Gen Z Maddie's money questions. We find out that you're never too young to start thinking about your credit score and saving for retirement.
Managing your finances can be difficult at the best of times but being a contractor can add another layer of complexity. Whether you’re self-employed or just thinking about freelancing, here are three tips on how to manage your money as a contractor.
If you’re committed to achieving FIRE, you’ll need to track your finances carefully and meticulously. We’ll show you how software like PocketSmith can help you do the heavy lifting!
Our resident Gen Z, Maddie, asks our resident millennial money guru, Emma, her burning money questions. She might not know TikTok, but she knows taxes.
It takes incredible levels of grit and motivation to achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE). How have those who’ve FIREd actually done it? Ruth The Happy Saver shares some inspirational examples with us.
Earning more than one stream of income? Welcome to the new normal! We've put together five tips that we hope will save you time and stress when managing multiple incomes.
Amanda Konyn's best friend and best dog Fritz not only brings her immense joy on a daily basis, he’s also taught her some valuable lessons about money.
Followers of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement aim to create a large nest egg that will produce an income of its own, letting them step away from paid work. In this article, we’ll explore what FIRE can mean for you, and how you can adapt it to suit your goals and your lifestyle.
Have you ever been in a situation where you have no idea how you spent your paycheck? Your bank account seems to be healthy at the start of the week, and by the end, you’re struggling to pay the bills? The Broke Generation’s Emma Edwards shares how mindful spending can help you feel more in control and confident with your money.
Our friend Ruth Henderson, The Happy Saver shares eight bad money habits she sees too often. Many of these habits are not about dollars and cents, but more about our own behaviour.
Your credit score seems to be an ominous presence, always waiting around the corner, determining all sorts of things about your daily life, from what interest rates you can get on your loans, to insurance policies you’re eligible for. So what are credit scores or ratings and how do they work? Learn how to check your credit score.
‘Getting out of debt’ is a phrase used often in personal finance. Whether it’s credit card debt, medical debt, or any other kind of debt, ridding yourself of that burden is the first step to securing your financial future. Of course, it’s easier said than done, so here are some tips on how to get out of debt with PocketSmith.
Our friend Ruth Henderson, The Happy Saver joins us again to talk about all things credit.
We sat down with Ruth Henderson, The Happy Saver and asked her some big questions about our spending habits.
Debt can come in many forms. Credit cards, student loans, and medical costs are some of the most common. Despite its reputation, debt isn’t inherently bad either.
The Barefoot Investor is a financial guide followed by thousands of people around the world. Find out how to structure this unique system in PocketSmith!
If you’re looking for a celebrated financial plan to help you take control of your money, we encourage you to read this post, watch videos and to get a copy of the book.
Keeping a budget is a bit like owning a pet tiger. It can be beautiful, powerful and hungry, but it needs love and care to thrive. While a budget is a key part of personal finance, it can be difficult to maintain, so here are some tips on how to stick to your budget like a pro.
Calculating your personal net worth means knowing your exact financial position. It gives you a simple strategy for managing your money, and a confident answer to the age-old question, “How much money do you have?”
With the cost of living rising, financial stress can easily take hold. Especially as we all feel the force of rising inflation reducing our effective take-home pay, managing your financial life is becoming more important than ever. Learn how to manage your money with PocketSmith.
Over the last 10 years, we’ve learnt a thing or two about financial advice. Our best advice, when it comes to finances, is that there isn't one solution that suits everyone. There’s no magic cookie cutter solution. Financial advice isn't a one-size-fits-all glove. It depends on who you are, and what your situation is.