Health struggles can shake up every part of life — including finances. In this edition of Ruth’s Two Cents, Ruth shares her practical advice for dealing with financial uncertainty amid a medical crisis.
"One student loan closed for good: Check. One deliriously happy debt-free writer: Check." Paying off a student loan is no mean feat, and Rachel's managed to do it early — all while self-employed. Read why she chose to achieve this massive milestone and get rid of her student debt once and for all.
A big wedding with all the thrills isn’t for everyone, especially for those who would rather spend that money on someone else. In this edition of Ruth’s Two Cents, Ruth takes a trip down memory lane to her own low-cost nuptials and how she managed the expectations of those around her.
Healthy money management isn’t about scrimping and saving all of the time, it’s about aligning your spending with your values — regardless of what the dollar amount is. Sometimes spending a little more adds more value to your life! We’re sharing six convenient purchases that are worth the extra cost.
We asked some of our wonderful users to share how they use PocketSmith to be productive with their money and plan for the future. Read how Darin gets granular with his transactions so he can categorize them in an instant and make sense of his spending.
Interest rates are having a moment, persistently remaining high thanks to rising inflation and a number of other factors. What can you even do about that? Take it from practicing accountant Sam Harith, who shares how inflation interacts with interest rates, and accessible ways you can manage the effect it has on your finances.
With fluctuating income streams and the absence of traditional job benefits, freelancers and those who are similarly self-employed are uniquely affected by increasing everyday personal and professional expenses. Rachel shares how she's using PocketSmith to adapt and retain financial stability with a continual rise in the cost of living.
As you prepare to welcome your first child, it's important to recognize the profound impact your little one will have on your finances. From diapers to education, the financial responsibilities that come with parenthood can be overwhelming. Speaking from experience, Ruth shares how you can ensure a stable foundation for your growing family.
The dreaded work commute — an inevitable rite of passage for most workers at least once in their lifetime. Commuting to work can often become a significant financial burden, draining both your budget and energy. However, with a thoughtful approach and a few adjustments to your routine, it's possible to slash commuting expenses while maintaining a comfortable and efficient journey.
While the concept of practicing gratitude may seem fluffy, research has shown that gratitude has a positive effect on your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Follow Rachel’s journey of over 400 continuous days of gratitude, and how it allowed her money mindset to evolve.
The increased cost of everyday expenses is surely having a trickle-down effect — do the kids in your life understand what’s going on? Mother and household money manager Ruth shares how she's encouraging her daughter to interpret the current cost of living, and how that impacts the family's finances as well as her own.
We asked some of our wonderful users to share how they use PocketSmith to be productive with their money and plan for the future. Read how Dave is managing his finances his way by setting up his own version of envelope budgeting using PocketSmith’s Budget feature.
Has the dollar amount on your grocery receipts lately have you feeling faint? By adopting a mindful approach and being open to adjusting your habits, you can effectively manage rising food costs without compromising on quality or nutrition. Emma's sharing her best tips for adjusting your shopping mindset.
While freelancers and side hustlers expertly juggle projects, clients and deadlines, they also have to juggle the various sources of income that those entail. That’s no issue for Rachel though, as she takes advantage of PocketSmith’s calendar and category tools to track and analyze all of her different income streams.
The sudden disruption of facing redundancy can leave you feeling uncertain about the future and grappling with a range of emotions. However, by adopting a positive mindset, taking proactive steps, and leveraging available resources, it is possible to transform this setback into an opportunity for personal growth and professional reinvention.
Whether the end of your fiscal year is rapidly approaching or still a few months away, tax time always brings with it a level of stress and pressure. If your tax obligations are weighing on your mind, run through Emma’s suggestions for stress management to get you in a robust headspace for dealing with your finances.
We've got widgets for days, mate. From saved searches to Sankey diagrams, you can configure the data that matters to you and access it at a glance. Hear what PocketSmith widgets are Rachel's faves, and how she's using them on her range of personalized dashboards.
“He said the shares are speculative — in the future they could be worth something, or be worthless. Either way, he thought it would be a fun experience to follow.” In his latest update, teenage investor Jordan shares insights from his beginner's journey into individual stock investment, as he researches the ins and outs of a mining company.
We asked some of our wonderful users to share how they use PocketSmith to be productive with their money and plan for the future. Read how PocketSmith is giving Garry and his wife oversight of their day-to-day finances so they can concentrate on the bigger things, like planning for retirement.
With the threat of a recession making headlines around the world, it can be hard to know how your personal finances could be affected. From rising prices to job instability, there are a number of ways an economic recession can impact you as an individual, and we’re breaking down what you need to know to help you prepare.
Investing can seem overwhelming, especially when you're bombarded with conflicting advice. Luckily, the Bogleheads, proponents of Vanguard Group founder John Bogle's investing philosophy, offer a simple approach to investing your money that will leave you with better results than the vast majority of financial managers. The two main words you'll need to know: Index Funds!
“I decided some time ago to make changes before I feel the financial squeeze upon my family, which, if I don't take my foot off the spending gas pedal now, it will inevitably do.” Ruth shares how she’s using PocketSmith to support her sustainable changes to her finances in the face of the current rise in the cost of living.
“However you want to do it, PocketSmith makes tracking your loan payments easy.” Paying off your student loan — the perennial monkey on the back of many Millennials and Gen Zers. Rachel shares how she’s using PocketSmith to tackle her student loan repayments, and the peace of mind that comes with it.
Netflix account sharing is over – what next?! The king of streaming services is finally enacting its "no password sharing" manifesto, which signals another potential monthly cost for thousands of people worldwide. So it begs the question: Do you consider your streaming services a valuable spend, or a pointless expense?
Home renovations can be a dreamy aspiration for would-be interior designers or an absolute nightmare for those who are DIY-adverse. Whether you’re renovating your forever home, getting ready to sell or want to provide a comfortable rental, check out how you can fight the financial stress of home renovations in the latest edition of Ruth’s Two Cents.