Digital Nomad Vasti Manages Multiple Currencies With PocketSmith

We asked some of our wonderful users to share how they use PocketSmith to be productive with their money and plan for the future. Their stories are filled with ideas, suggestions and inspiration on how you can start crafting a meaningful relationship with your finances.

Read how Vasti keeps on top of her personal and business finances while traveling the globe using a range of PocketSmith’s features.

Tell us a little about yourself?

Hi, I am Vasti, an expat and business owner. I was born and raised in South Africa, and I have been traveling full-time since 2015. I started my journey in China and soon became known as the Tallest Traveller, where I have been sharing my spiritual journey on Instagram ever since. Since then, I have had the privilege to keep traveling as I have been exploring the world, and I am able to work from anywhere.  

While traveling, it is important for me to keep track of my finances, and over the years I tried different tools, but it was quite time-consuming to upload and manually input my transactions due to all the different bank accounts and multiple currencies I deal with on a global scale. I have a variety of clients who pay me for my services, and I am setting up my businesses currently and will also be selling products in the future, so I am so thankful for finding a financial management tool that is my ally. 

How would you describe your role in your household?

I am currently traveling solo and am the only person in my household who has my own business, so managing my finances is very important to me.

What drew you to PocketSmith?

I was drawn to PocketSmith for its robust nature and the integration of everything I need from a financial management tool into one website, with many more features than any other financial management website or application offers. I like the option to sync to all of my bank accounts in one place, knowing I can see my financial status all at once and stay on top of things as well. I appreciate that I have the ability to load different currencies and that PocketSmith can calculate all of the income and expenses, and balance the books for me. 

As I have a background in graphic design and web development, I absolutely need a good UI and visual graphs to help me digest all the financial information. The graphs and layout of PocketSmith manage to condense a lot of information into the dashboard and still make it easy to read and not overwhelm me.

How long have you been with us?

I have been using PocketSmith for seven months. 

What do you primarily use PocketSmith for?

To analyze all my financial data and to keep my financial transactions recorded.

How has PocketSmith changed the way you do money?

It has helped me to take control of my finances and save my time and energy to manually calculate and record it. It has helped me to calculate what I am spending in different environments and countries as every month is different for me, so it really helps to add something familiar to all that is different and going on around me.

What are your favorite features?

I love that PocketSmith automates calculations as a multi-currency account, and it saves me the time to do it. I also love the forecasting feature that gives me an idea of what the future may look like and helps me to prepare. 

Got any tips?

Downloading both the desktop and mobile apps of PocketSmith has been useful in accessing it on all my devices wherever I am, as that way, everything stays synchronized. 

What’s the best money decision you made in the past 12 months?

There are two. One was to invest in a really good teacher to help me heal and develop myself, and the second one was to purchase a flight back to my home country to visit my family and catch up with them after a long time of traveling.  

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