Our sourdough starters
Amanda and Dora followed advice from Olav to give birth to Marty McRye and Vladimir Gluten.
Hello! We craft online money management software loved by people all over the world. We're a team of 19, and like many of you, we're currently in lockdown too. We're doing our best to adjust to what is the new normal - at least for the time being.
We're still in business and at work thanks to the support of our customers, but we feel for the many who aren't as fortunate, as lockdowns worldwide are causing people to lose their jobs.
Our community has told us that their biggest concern is a change in income, and the stress and uncertainty that comes with it. This is where we can help. We've put our heads together and written a series of guides to help you continually plan up to six months ahead, just by using the free version of our software.
Each guide takes at least 15 minutes to complete, but please take all the time you need as we know you'll find the insights valuable. If you have friends or family who could benefit from this, please pass it on!
One of the best things about working at PocketSmith is getting to know our customers well and being a part of their lives. Over the years, we've come to learn how our personal finances reflect our stories, and that ultimately, we all have a lot in common. As such, we've considered it a privilege to have been a part of every life journey.
The free subscription is yours to keep, forever. We hope this helps, and if you'd like to give us any feedback, or just to tell us how you're going, please drop us a line.
Stay safe, with love from New Zealand,
Jason Leong
CEO and co-founder
Amanda and Dora followed advice from Olav to give birth to Marty McRye and Vladimir Gluten.
Every good yoga session can be made 100% better with the presence of a snoozing pup.
Lila and Mindy made a banana oat crumble cake the other day. It is all gone.
In the time that used to be spent getting dressed properly back pre-lockdown days, Strahan has been recording theme tunes in the weekends.
Marauders will be served with blocks of pizza and doughnuts.
The rest of us just have to watch on until the cafès open again.
Olav's kids are going to have warm feet as we head into autumn.
Fritz and Amanda at the local park getting some much-needed fresh air.